Prop - Update and Renew Multi-Sig Team and Terms

This proposal aims to renew the terms of some existing SAFE multisig signers, remove three current signers (Outgoing) and replace them with three new signers (Oncoming) all inclusive for 11 months, as per the previous resolution and also to update from the previous resolution to updated terms. ( + ).

The signers listed below are responsible for the SAFE addresses:


Current Multi-Sig Team:-

Outgoing members:

0x35c17dd9df9156ee74726e29f598dca529efac8d -
daniel g Discord user ID: daniel.g. (Temp signer)

0x46b03d28dddaEBa99c27E07E4301949821A35b92 -
not6209 Discord user ID: not6209

0x651EC1afd03C4A5F731dA8Fa4fc124802392b8dA - Perpetual_cgi Discord user ID: perpetual_cgi

Remaining Members:

0xFd25Dc31196c73E15eDE57391c32472193147FF5 -
IGI Discord user ID: igi_oida

0x10316BEc523d5Cf7321e51d6A27B365366C1b387 -
AERON Discord user ID: aeron523

0x3F8b55Efa76AF49372Efe2224029efCBCbC3B71f - DIMITROVI Discord user ID: dimitrovi

0x115Ab9e1dBe84030719835dd3d4B74503BE8921B -
GFUNK Discord user ID: ggfunk

Oncoming members:

GrumpyCant - Discord user ID: @grumpycant

0xf06094bD89E272A3E1b6fD446F3f126C97Ef04AC - SweatyNips - Discord user ID: @sweatynips

Fortunate - Discord user ID: @ Fortunate4444

New 2024/2025 Multi-Sig Team:-

0xFd25Dc31196c73E15eDE57391c32472193147FF5 -
IGI Discord user ID: igi_oida

0x10316BEc523d5Cf7321e51d6A27B365366C1b387 -
AERON Discord user ID: aeron523

0x3F8b55Efa76AF49372Efe2224029efCBCbC3B71f - DIMITROVI Discord user ID: dimitrovi

GrumpyCant - Discord user ID: @grumpycant

0xf06094bD89E272A3E1b6fD446F3f126C97Ef04AC - SweatyNips - Discord user ID: @sweatynips

0xc8edca953bbc3211f5bc947e9cceb296a9900d6d -
Fortunate - Discord user ID: @ Fortunate4444

0x115Ab9e1dBe84030719835dd3d4B74503BE8921B -
GFUNK Discord user ID: ggfunk

Terms and Conditions:

New Terms and Signers will take effect immediately following approval of this proposal (within reason) for the duration of 11 months. Starting from 18 DEC 24 to 18 NOV 25.

Multisig signers will receive 0.3 ETH each from the FoundersDAO SAFE Multisig wallet at the beginning of their terms. On completion of their 11 month term each signer will receive another .3ETH compensation for their service. If a signer does not complete their full term, this will be addressed on a case by case basis by the DAO and compensation adjusted accordingly. All signers have a new clean wallet address designated for the PVFD SAFE wallet signing for accountability and transparency as detailed above.

Ethereum spent by FDAO SAFE multisig signers on transaction executions from the FoundersDAO SAFE Multisig wallet shall be reimbursed every 3 months from the same wallet.

Each FoundersDAO SAFE Multisig Signer is responsible for tracking their transaction executions and associated gas fees. They must disclose this information to “Pixel Vault Founders DAO” token holders via appropriate channels before receiving reimbursement for transparency.


If a signer’s term expires before the 3-month gas reimbursement period, gas fees spent on each transaction up to that date shall be reimbursed by the FDAO Multisig Wallet, upon proper reporting.

If all previous signers are renewed, the gas fees spent by former signers must be reported, and new signers are responsible for reimbursing these fees using the FDAO SAFE wallet.

In case a new SAFE address is required during the term, signers must ensure its safety once approved by a proposal.

Outgoing Signers are to assist and facilitate an easy transition as possible with Oncoming Signers. This means assisting getting new signers established as signers with SAFE wallet and any issues or questions from Oncoming Signers before being relieved of their duties. If an urgent transaction involving the listed SAFE addresses is necessary during this process, former signers are responsible for facilitating it. By accepting this proposal the transactions executed in the interim during term expiry, were sanctioned and authorized.


The proposal will be executed through the following steps:
Founder’s DAO members will vote on the proposal and provide feedback. If the proposal is approved, the Multi-Sig Team will initiate the process of transitioning between outgoing signers and oncoming signers.

Special Note: DAO member SanLeo has returned to us and is happy to provide limited advice and assistance to the Multi-sig Team behind the scenes in the team’s Discord channel.

The DAOs future has been questioned recently amongst active DAO members, but whichever path the DAO decides to take, we still require an active Multi-Sig Team to carry out the DAOs proposals.

The DAO’s documentation and records will be updated to reflect the new multi-sig member composition.


The proposed benefits of switching multi-sig members are as follows:
Inclusion active members will benefit by ensuring there are more members available to process future transactions and signatures on our multi sig wallet and responsiveness to community requirements.

SanLeo returning is huge for the DAO. He is not only a valued and experienced dev to be assisting the Multi-Sig Team, he is a valued DAO member as a whole.

An 11 Month term instead of the usual 12 months allows the DAO more time at the end of the year to organise a new proposal and change out signers sooner if need be. The usual date of 18 DEC is too close to holidays.


The Multi-Sig Team loses half of its current team and experience. This may affect the speed at which future transactions are carried out.


The expected outcomes of the proposal are as follows:
Successful replacement of “Outgoing” members with “Oncoming” members.
Improved MultiSig Team participation by adding more active member(s).
Increased compensation for services to encourage better participation and retention rate of signers.
Shorter 11 month terms to bring forward the team renewal process by 1 month.

If this proposal is voted against enacting, we will have the same team for the remainder of the year due to the holiday season. A new proposal will be created with amended details rectifying anything the DAO wants to change.

Feedback and progress reports on future proposal outcome progress shared with the community.
The updated multi-sig member composition and documentation will be reported to the Founder’s DAO community.

Voting Options:

Yes- Update the Multi-Sig Team with new Oncoming Signers

No- I do not agree to the new terms or new members being added and more time for discussion is needed.


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Do multi-sig members have to dox themselves to anyone? PV or foundation reps?

Also, maybe it should be that to be eligible to receive the .3 ether upon completion of term, you have to at least sign/execute x number of times. I’m not shure what that number should be but perhaps at least 2 or 3? Gfunk just gets eth sent to him ever yr for doing nothing other than being a safe backup person which dosn’t seem to make much sense.

This was tment to not include gfunk. I will amend on final draft thanks for highlighting.

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No not entirely. however we have 2 signers who are on the core committee who are doxed to PV.
The point of having a minimum of 4 signitures on transaction helps mitigate the risk of ill-intended actions/transactions.

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